
Review of the Abacus Wrist PDA (AU5005)

If you're a coolguy with carefully tussled hairand clothes from places I don't even know the name of, it will probably work onyou. If you wear taped glasses, slacks from the 70's, and you only shower whenyour mother makes you, then the watch will only serve to compliment your dorkyensemble. However if this describes you, then you probably don't care how it looksor what people think, anyway.The bottom line is if you like it, get it, and don't worry about the size. Itwon't bother you because it's not excessively heavy, and it's actually quite comfortableto wear. And if your mates make fun of you for wearing a PDA on your wrist, justtell them it's the only way you can possibly keep all the girls' numbersstraight. They'll know you're lying, but it's a snappy comeback, nonetheless.The StylusThe Abacus Wrist PDA comes with two styli (technically the proper way of referringto more than one stylus). One is to keep in the slot in the watch's buckle, andone is to keep in a safe place at home as a backup. The stylus is half metal andhalf plastic, and unfolds to a length of 1.5 inches (almost 4 cm). It stays verysecurely in place in the buckle, so hopefully you won't be needing that backup,but it is actually somewhat difficult to remove when the watch is strapped on becausethe excess portion of the band covers the tiny knob that you use to slide it out(see the AbacusWrist PDA photo gallery for details). In an officesetting, you'll probably hear it, but while commuting or having lunch in a crowdedrestaurant, you most likely won't.The DesignThe Wrist PDA's case is a well designed, solid hunk of stainless steel. The buckleis stainless steel, as well, and the band is a leather/rubber combination (themanual mentions a model with a metal bracelet, but it is nowhere to be seen onthe website, and I think the rubber works better, anyway). The only complaint Ihave regarding the construction of the watch is the plastic buttons. They don'thave the same solid, robust feel as the case, especially the rocker switch. I'dlike to see future versions of the Wrist PDA have a rocker switch as well builtas a Sony jog dial, though to be fair, I don't want to pay Sony prices. Somethingin the middle might be more appropriate.The watch is big. No one is disputing that. But considering it has an entire PDAbuilt into it, it's actually not so bad. And it's not excessively thick. I thinkwhether the watch looks cool or dorky ultimately depends on you.